Hosting / Email
With so many options for web hosting, isn’t it nice when a company can
make it simple? Fantel is all you will need for an Australian based web
hosting and emails provider for your business. Just call us on 1300 204 288
and we’ll even help you move the site across.
Do you have a website for your business? Looking for someone who can help you build your website from ground up? Are you tired of your current web or email host provider not delivering what they promised you when you signed up with them?
Well, worry no more; your search is over.
Here at Fantel, we can provide web and email hosting services. We’d be more than happy to build your website for you with the help of our web designers that will attract more customers to your website. We will also provide you email accounts that is in line with your domain for a more professional approach.
Our guarantee is 99% uptime and if a big asteroid crashed on one of our servers, we’ll make sure that there’s a back up or a message for your visitors to be informed. Let us talk to you so you can learn more about how we can help your business.
Please call us for the different plans and options on 1300 304 288.
Control Panels
Ok we don’t want to boast, but aside from our massive network, Fantel has 3 Control Panel flavours. These are cPanel, Plesk and DirectAdmin. Which ever you’re use to, all of them will do the job to help you configure, administer and monitor your website and emails.